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BrandLoom enables Brands and Start-ups resonate with their audience affordably and efficiently

Cheers by Sandy social media case studies

Cheers By Sandy Social Media Marketing

Case Study

About the CLIENT

Sandy Verma has been the darling of India’s bar and party scene for almost 30 years as a celebrity bartender, mixologist, sommelier, and all-around party-planning expert. Having traveled worldwide and been an avid connoisseur of drinks, Sandy opened the Institute of Bar Operations and Management in 2005.
IBOM has seen many graduates who have been successful in India’s F&B scene. Sandy himself has mentored many proteges personally who have established themselves in the field of bartending & party planning.
Sandy Verma holds a resume that is a matter of envy to all his peers. However, he wanted to evolve as a brand and leverage his remarkable knowledge of the field as a reputed F&B and hospitality consultant.
Thus, Cheers By Sandy was born. A fresh brand that highlighted his knowledge and expertise while preserving the vibrant nature of his personality.

About Cheers by Sandy

Importance of
for the brand

To make the world take notice of the new Sandy Verma, it was important for him to highlight his evolution on social media. Our social media marketing objectives were:

1. To let the world know that Sandy Verma is more than a bartending darling- he’s a well-rounded F&B and hospitality expert.

2. To make his unique personality stand out so that he could distinguish himself as a consultant like no other.

3. To impress his target audiences that he is a veteran in his field and has built up an impeccable resume by working on a variety of global projects.

What we did for the CLIENT

What we did for our client of Cheers by sandy in social media case study

After designing his logo and creating his website, team BrandLoom focused on deploying and building his brand with the help of social media marketing. This is what we did for his new brand:

1. Created social handles and started posting for the new brand- Cheers By Sandy.
2. Positioned Sandy Verma via social media that showed Sandy was an expert in the field who could offer comprehensive solutions to those in need.
3. Highlighted some of the most prestigious projects he had been associated with, which showed versatility and established his credentials.
4. Showcased numerous events and parties that he had catered and organized, showing that he was comfortable in private settings like hospitality establishments.
5. Shared testimonials from the who’s who in the hospitality sector who affirmed that you can always trust Sandy to infuse life into your projects and impress the crowd.

The Result :
1. Cheers By Sandy also asserted itself as a brand by strengthening Sandy’s position.
2. Via social media marketing, BrandLoom established him as a seasoned F&B expert.
3. “Cheers By Sandy” marked the progression of Sandy Verma – from celebrity party guy to an all-around expert in the hospitality sector.
4. By highlighting his vivacious personality, “Cheers By Sandy” positioned Sandy as a consultant like no other- who inspired confidence that he could draw in the crowd and organize a party like no other.


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Avinash Chandra
Author Avinash Chandra

Branding, Integrated & Digital Marketing Wizard and Founder of BrandLoom Consulting (A $1m startup). I help companies generate more revenue through digital marketing. I have successfully led Business and Marketing operations of several Large & Small; American, European, Chinese & Indian Brands and Startups. In totality, I have worked with over 100 Brands during my 21 years of professional career with a proven track record of Building Sustainable & Profitable Businesses.