In present times, emails can be said to have a universal significance. Almost everyone has an email address. So, it’s time that you recognize the relevance of emails for your business. You can utilize email marketing techniques to improve your reach and brand visibility. Want to learn what is email marketing? Let us help you comprehend every aspect of it!

And if you want to convert your Email Marketing activities Into a cash-generating machine then you need BrandLoom, The full-service email marketing agency.

What is email marketing?

Connection and bond with your consumers are important for your business growth. If you want to build a perfect relationship with your potential audience, you need to connect with them in the best ways. And, email marketing is one such strategy that helps you interact with your customers in the most personalized forms possible.

The best part about email marketing is that it can provide your business with a high return on investment. It can help you drive a huge amount of revenue. Email marketing basically helps you nurture your potential leads.

Email marketing definition

email marketing india

In simple words, email marketing can be defined as a form of digital marketing in which emails are used for promoting a business’s product or service. Through email marketing, you can make your customer aware of your latest products, services, or offers. (source)

In fact, email marketing can be said to be one of the most direct ways of connecting with your potential lead. This form of marketing will help you convert your prospects into customers. It also helps you grow your bond with your present customers.

Email marketing involves many things like newsletters, promotions or exclusive deals for the email subscribers. Newsletters are an effective way to send updates about your business or upcoming events and special offers related to your business. Email software makes it easy to schedule promotional events. It helps you target your clients in the most efficient ways.

If your email marketing strategy is well-defined and organized, it will help you reach both your short term and long term business goals.

Email marketing meaning

Email marketing can be defined as one of the most powerful content marketing techniques that you can utilize for promoting your business. Through a successful email marketing strategy, you can build a personalized relationship with every customer.

Well, email marketing is not only about sending emails to subscribers. There’s a lot more to it. Email marketing can be described as a process of sending optimized business messages through emails to the target audience. It involves the procedure of creating promotional emails and maintaining them as well.

In a nutshell, it can be described as a direct form of marketing that helps you improve brand loyalty.

What are the Benefits of email marketing

Given below are the list of objectives that you can fulfill through email marketing:

1. Better brand awareness with email marketing

The email marketing strategy is a great way to remind your customers about your brand. When they see important emails from your side in their inbox, there are chances that they will choose your brand when looking for a product or service.

Only sales-oriented emails won’t help you create the right image in your client’s mind. So, you need to include educational content in your emails.

2. Earn credibility with email marketing

You should always be honest with your customers. They appreciate this. You can add reviews and testimonials to your emails. This way you can validate your claims.

Maybe, you can provide a link to your site page that contains customer feedback. This will help you gain better credibility.

3. Email marketing helps you attract traffic to your site

Your emails can include links to several site pages. When you create relevant offers or discounts, customers will follow your links.

This will help you boost traffic to your popular pages or help you promote pages that lack engagement.

4. Growth in sales with email marketing

When your brand is reliable, customers don’t take much time to purchase from your email.

Upcoming sales, personalized offers or hot deals are quite eye-catching. They will help you increase your sales.

Email marketing is the best way to automate your routine tasks
You can send emails directly in response to your customer’s actions.

Such automated routine tasks can include welcome and onboarding series, registration confirmation, transactional emails, order confirmations or password reset emails.

This will help you cut extra costs by handling these activities manually.
Start developing your email marketing strategy to build your brand in the best possible ways.

5. Better personalization with Email Marketing

Email marketing helps you establish a better connection with your customers. Set up automated behavioural trigger emails to collect your customer’s reaction after using your product.

You can wish your customers happy birthday or anniversaries. Or, you can give them special offers to mark special days. You can give them gift vouchers, invites, etc via emails. Personalization tends to add impressive levels of human connection between you and your customers.

Why every Business need an Email marketing strategy

If you want to achieve your desired marketing goals, email marketing strategy is indispensable. Your email marketing strategy should include a set of procedures that can lead to better brand awareness.

Now, an email marketing strategy is necessary for several reasons. Let’s try to understand some of them:

An email marketing strategy helps you chalk out your promotional and non-promotional activities. You can send time-based promotional emails to your clients. This will prompt your customers to take action immediately.

Your non-promotional emails can be less timely and sales-driven. Non-promotional emails are important for establishing long-term relationships with your customers. They can help you comprehend the interests of your subscribers.

With a well-defined email marketing strategy, you can gauge your business results better. Email marketing strategies help you evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns.

Moreover, having an email marketing strategy helps you layout your marketing process well in advance.

How to create your email marketing strategy?

The first thing that you need to need to do is to define your audience properly. Try to comprehend the requirements of your potential consumers. You can plan your email marketing campaign according to your customer’s needs.

Next, you should have a clear cut vision of your goals. You need to perform certain specific research related to your industry. This way, you will get a better idea about the different areas that you need to focus on while carrying out an email marketing campaign.

Try to make your email marketing activities fun. Make each of your subscribers feel valued. Build an email list of users who have granted you permission to send them emails. Come up with interesting content and watch your email list grow organically.

Also, it is very necessary to select your email campaign type. Figure out whether you want to send a weekly newsletter or regular blog posts. Try to create different lists for different types of emails. This way, your prospects can sign up for the emails that are essential for them. It improves their quality of engagement with you.

Plan a proper schedule for your email marketing activities. You should decide when to contact your consumers. You should try to stick to a proper schedule.

How to do email marketing?

Wondering how to build your email marketing strategy? Fret not! Preparing email marketing strategies is not that complicated. Let’s understand the top tips on how to do email marketing:

1. Garner contacts for your email marketing list

The first step towards developing your email marketing process is creating your email list. You can consider consumers who already have a relationship with you. You can even start with a few supportive friends and family members.

There’s no need to worry if you are building an email list from scratch. You can put an online sign-up form to your website and encourage your social media followers and customers to sign-up.

Well, there are several ways to grow your email list. You need to attract people with exciting offers. You can utilize lead magnets for this. Lead magnets are generally digital materials like PDFs, MP3 audio files or videos. You can create these at a very low cost. Here is a list of some popular lead magnets:

  • Coupons
  • Ebooks
  • Free trials
  • Fun quizzes
  • Webinar
  • Case studies and many more
how to do email marketing
How to do email marketing

Lead magnets can only be effective if they are properly constructed. They need to offer an actionable tool or relevant information that your consumers can apply. Your lead magnets should be as valuable as your product or service. Try to create lead magnets that have the potential to solve problems.

2. Focus on personalized email marketing

It is very essential to segregate and segment your email list. Divide your subscribers into small groups based on certain specific criteria. This will help you send personalized emails to your customers keeping in mind their specific requirements.

Segregation helps you send certain emails only to those email subscribers who can be more interested in that content. This will lead to higher conversions.

Email list segmentation can help you improve the effectiveness of your email campaign. There are numerous ways to divide your subscribers. Let’s have a quick look at some of them:

There can be separate welcome series emails for new subscribers.

You can also create your email list according to the preferences of different customers. There are some subscribers who want to hear about blog posts while there are some who only like sales notifications.

You can even segregate the list on the basis of location. You can notify people about your local event.

Some emails can remind consumers who put items in their cart but haven’t checked out.

3. Work on improving your email open rates

It is very essential to have a good email open rate.

It is important that your emails get opened. Otherwise, all your efforts in building your email list will go in vain. There are multiple factors that determine whether your emails will be opened or not. Let’s delve into some of them:

Try sending your email campaign from a good IP address.

Make sure that you are sending them from verified domains. You can utilize merge tags to personalize the ‘To’ section of your email campaign. You can include your location too. It is necessary to avoid spam filters.

Also, you should eliminate inactive subscribers from your list.

Try to keep your list fresh and updated. Also, can try to re-engage with your inactive subscribers.

You need to figure out your perfect timing.

Make sure to send your email at an hour when there is more possibility of it to be opened.

Try to create a unique subject line.

Focus on using a friendly tone. You can use certain figures to catch the attention of your audience. Maybe, you can try including some humour in your content.

Also, make sure to optimize for mobile.

Keep your format simple and utilize smaller images to reduce the loading time. The call-to-action button can be large.

4. Enhance your email marketing techniques with autoresponders

Autoresponders are a powerful tool for improving your sales. It helps you successfully engage with your audience. Create the content for your autoresponder series and set up the time with your autoresponder software.

Try to develop autoresponders that can have the potential to increase conversions. Personalize the content to make the email more valuable.

Also, you can give them updates etc via newsletters. Good newsletters that are enriched with good content and design can inspire brand loyalty. Utilize newsletters to update your customers about the latest products or services. It is considered to be a cost-effective way that can help boost your business.

5. A digital marketing agency can help you build your email strategy

Hire a good digital marketing agency that can help you make the most of email marketing. (source)

A digital marketing agency can set up your email marketing campaign in the best possible manner. Your business objectives will be kept in mind and your email marketing strategy will be planned accordingly.

Marketing agencies can craft professional templates for your brand. They are well-aware of the strategies that can convert your readers into customers.

How to improve email marketing campaigns

In order to turn your email marketing strategies effective, here are a few email marketing tips from our side:

1. Let your email subscriber list grow

Do you already have a long email list? But you should never stop adding more to it. You should make sure that your list is always growing. Always keep a signup feature on your website. You should also include subscription forms wherever you can be it on the home page, blog page or anywhere else.

2. Tempt your readers to respond

Make sure not to throw information on your potential lead. The best way to attract consumers is including attractive subject lines in your email. It is the best way to stand out in a crowd. Try to give a more human touch to your content. These factors can help you encourage your audience to reply.

3. The ‘personal’ factor is the game-changer

Always involve a personal element in your emails. Remember to segment your emails to particular groups of your audience. If you are dealing in more than one industry, you should focus on sending different versions of your emails as per the audience requirement.

4. Keep yourself safe from spam folders

Make sure that your recipients have opted in to your emails. Don’t use too many exclamation marks or hyperbolic phrases in your email content. Also, don’t write all characters in caps.

5. Crisp emails steal the show

Make sure that your email is clean and engaging. Try to use small paragraphs and ensure that relevant keywords are highlighted efficiently. You can include bullet points so that people find it more convenient to notice the relevant facts.

6. Call to action is a must

Try including eye-catching buttons with texts that offer your audience more than one opportunity to engage. Here are some examples:

  • Download now
  • Click here
  • Know more and many others

Call to action encourages your audience to respond and increase your conversions.

7. Unsubscription method should be easy and convenient

Make sure that the unsubscription process is not too complex. Suppose, a subscriber tries to remove his/her name from your list and is not able to do so easily. He/she might flag your email as spam. This can lead to future problems.

8. Mobile-friendly emails can do wonders for you

Most of the people are always active on phones. They mostly view emails on phones as it is quick to access them there. So, make sure that your emails are optimized for viewing on mobile devices.

Sounds nice? Start your email marketing campaign today!

Email marketing tips
Email marketing tips

Types of email marketing

Now, there are several types of email marketing techniques that you can utilize to promote your business, product or service. Want to learn about those techniques? Keep reading!

Let’s delve into the different forms of email marketing:

Email marketing types
Email marketing types

1. Use the power of newsletter email

Newsletter emails can inform customers about your current promotions or new offers. However, it should not only focus on driving sales. Make sure to inform, entertain and benefit the audience through newsletters. Also, try to include a call to action in your email newsletter.

2. Offer some warmth through welcome email series

This is one of the most common forms of email marketing. It can help you build better familiarity with your email subscriber. The welcome email series can include asking the subscribers about their preferences or thanking them for showing trust in you. Welcome emails have high open rates and can generate more revenue.

3. Better brand awareness with promotional email marketing

Promotional emails provide you with great opportunities to attract your audience. Try gaining their attention by adding humour to your content. Try to create emails that can make your subscribers curious. You can use catchy slogans and images or fonts that can easily grab attention.

Also, you can offer free stuff and encourage your audience to take a step towards building a relationship with you.

4. Boost your brand loyalty with transactional emails

Transactional emails include email receipts, invoices, bill statements, and order confirmations. They help you enhance your service transparency. Customers generally want such emails to maintain records. Transactional emails offer a sense of reliability to consumers.

5. Post-purchase email marketing is essential

This kind of email marketing includes a series of emails that are a follow-up to a certain purchase. It helps you to build brand loyalty. The consumers feel delighted to attain attention in the post-purchase period.

6. Gain lost attention with re-engagement email marketing

Don’t let go of your past consumers. Try to regain their attention and motivate them to re-engage with your brand or business. You can send them a ‘miss you’ email. Or you can provide them with exciting offers or discounts and prompt them to interact with you.

What are you waiting for? Increase your brand value and conversions with the proper utilization of different forms of email marketing.

7. Benefits of email marketing

You can gain several benefits for your business through email marketing. Email marketing has a mind-blowing ROI. It is one of the best ways to reach and engage with your audience. It also has the potential to generate higher conversion rates for your business.

Want to learn and delve into the benefits of email marketing? Stay with us!

Advantages of email marketing campaigns

Let’s dig into some of the benefits of email marketing:

1. Enhance brand recognition with email marketing

Email marketing helps you build a better brand identity. It helps you connect with your audience directly. Email marketing gives way to personalized engagement with your potential customer. Through different forms of email marketing, your customers can know you better.

2. Avoid financial stress with email marketing

Email marketing is a very cost effective technique. It is economical than many other forms of marketing. It does not involve advertising fees or media space costs.

3. Email marketing is permission-based

The best part about email marketing is that your email list consists of people who have actively opted to receive email communications from you. And people who are interested in your product or service will engage with your business efficiently.

Your conversions and sales will skyrocket with email marketing
If you have a new promotional event coming up, there are chances that you will get more clicks on your link. Email marketing can prove to be beneficial at every step of the buying process.

4. There is scope for benchmarking email marketing

You can easily compare your business results against others who work in your industry. You can find many free email marketing benchmarking reports online. They can help you prioritize your improvement concerns.

5. Marketing in its truest sense

Email marketing is considered to be real-time marketing. It helps you connect with your consumers in real-time. You can use automated triggers like website activity or shopping cart abandonment to reach your right subscribers at the right time and in the right place.


The best aspect of email marketing is that it is simple. Simpler things are easy to comprehend. Email marketing helps your customers understand the essence of your brand in the most efficient and easiest ways.

This casual yet well-structured email approach can help you enhance your brand’s value. Start your email marketing campaign and watch your brand grow!

And if you want to convert your Email Marketing activities Into a cash-generating machine then you need BrandLoom, The full-service email marketing agency.

Cheers to simple and basic!


  1. What is email marketing?

    An email marketing strategy can be defined as a highly effective digital marketing strategy that helps you generate leads for your business or brand. In this form of marketing, you send emails to your prospects and customers. Basically, it helps you convert your prospects into customers and turns your one time buyers into loyal clients. It is one of the easiest and direct ways to engage with your audience. You can define it as the best communication channel that helps build your brand reach and visibility. It can help you gain the highest ROI for your business.

  2. What is email marketing strategy?

    An email marketing strategy can be described as a set of activities that help you achieve your business marketing goals. It provides you with a direct opportunity for interaction with your prospects and consumers. In order to create a perfect email marketing strategy, you need data about your customer's habits, behaviour and requirements. Your email marketing strategy should be well-structured and detailed. A good email marketing strategy can help you attract great sales for your brand or business.

  3. How to do email marketing?

    There are multiple steps to building your email marketing process. First, you need to gather your contacts for creating your email list. Select the type of email marketing that you want to perform. You need to structure your content in an easy and well-defined manner. This can help you gain high click-through rates. You can use images and videos to boost your business engagement. Also, always focus on creating personalized content for your email marketing strategy. Last but not the least, you should always measure your results. It will help you learn about your open rate, click-through rates, your spam complaints or your unsubscribe rate.

  4. How to get Email ids for email marketing?

    If a business plans to deploy an email marketing campaign, it is always better to use a list acquired naturally and manually. Here are some really effective methods to get email ids- 

    Use more Forms

    Collecting email addresses by having clients fill out forms with their email addresses could work. This will reveal their email addresses and how many individuals would like to receive your business's emails.

    Offer based on Lead Generation

    Utilizing a lead magnet to get clients' email addresses can work well. You can put a call-to-action on your website or social network page like “subscribe now” or “subscribe to explore more.” This is how you engage with your customers to get access to their emails. 

    Ask directly for email addresses.

    You can directly ask individuals on social media platforms and your website to “sign up” to join your mailing list by providing their email addresses. This is a very direct way to inform your users about your intention, and this clarity often attracts more users. 


    Offering gifts and certificates is a great approach to attracting customers. For instance, offering a customer/visitor to sign up and win a gift will get a better response than merely signing them up. This incentivizes users to provide you access to their emails in exchange for a freebie. 


    If you are publishing any reports, white papers, ebooks, or other documents that you can distribute for free or offer a free preview of- you can make them available in exchange for email addresses. 

    Use Social Media 

    Business marketing and social networking are prevalent on social media. You can take advantage of this trend by hosting contests that require participants to submit their information. Incentivizing your customers is one of the greatest ways to acquire new email leads. 

    Ask for Feedback on your Goods and Services

    Consumers enjoy being asked if the services meet their expectations. That helps them feel important and creates a good picture of the firm. To get clients to sign up for your mailing list, invite them to provide you with their comments, and you simultaneously gain access to their emails. 

    In need of professional help with your digital marketing? BrandLoom is the only place you need to be. With the support of our staff, you may expand your business through strategic email marketing and other channels. Inquire now to find out more information!

  5. How to make email marketing work?

    Email marketing can give you amazing ROI and leads- but you need to get your strategy right.  People often ignore emails, so here are seven maxims to ensure your email marketing approach works.

    Email marketing provider.

    If you need help optimizing your email marketing, an ESP can help.

    There are many options available in the market that let you generate, personalize, and optimize professional marketing emails without designers or IT. The features enable you to develop the greatest email marketing campaigns and achieve your goals. You can also assess email marketing results to share business-critical data with your team.
    Test out and choose one that suits your needs best.

    Segment emails.

    Segmentation involves categorizing your massive email list by users' unique traits, interests, and preferences. We must treat our subscribers as individual people. Not sending mass emails is the first how-to of email marketing. Send the correct information to the right individuals and retain subscribers.

    Customize your emails.

    Knowing who you're emailing and what matters to them makes personalizing emails easier.
    Leads don't need to know you're talking to 100+ individuals. A study conducted by Litmus found that 80% of all customers are more likely to buy from a brand that offers tailored experiences in 2021.

    Email marketing templates.

    Templates save time by removing the design, coding, and UX-definition labour from email creation. One caveat: select effective email templates. Top ESPs have tested thousands of templates to find the best. Templates make the process easier and more personalized. 

    Are you prepared to see results from your email marketing initiatives? BrandLoom can assist you in developing campaigns that strike a chord with your intended demographic and provide tangible outcomes. Reach out to us today, and let's get going!

  6. How to start an email marketing campaign?

    Here are five very easy and accessible ways to not just start but also run a successful email marketing campaign – 

    Choose a relevant email list.

    To get the most out of your emails, you should send them to the right people. Be careful about unethical ways to get emails, like buying lists of emails. This isn't only bad for your engagement and conversion rates and can also get you blocked permanently or marked as spam by email service providers (ESPs.)

    Make the subject line and content of your email unique.

    Your subscribers want to be regarded as real people with names, needs, and personalities. And that's exactly what you can do when you personalize your emails.

    Personalization is when you use information about your subscribers to change the subject line, content, or design of your email so that it feels more personal and relevant to each contact.

    Here are three ways to make your emails unique:

    Use the subscriber's name in the subject line to get people's attention.
    Use the location of the subscriber to promote events or sales in the area
    Send product suggestions based on what you've bought before.

    Be conversational

    Consumers get tons of marketing emails daily, and they're sick of getting too many salesy emails from brands and automated systems. Keep your emails friendly, conversational, and easy to get in touch with. Talking to your subscribers like you're having a conversation with them will make your email feel more personal and like it's from someone they know. This will lead to more engagement and sales for you in the long run.

    Make sure to follow up.

    Sometimes, just one email isn't enough. To keep your subscribers interested and get them to buy, you need to send them a second or even a third email.

    You can use this for different kinds of email campaigns, like welcome email series, abandoned cart funnels, and retargeting funnels. Remember that there is a thin line between being persistent and being annoying. Spread your follow-up emails, and don't send too many of them. If you don't, you'll likely be taken off the list or marked as spam.

    A/B test your emails

    There is nothing called a “perfect” email. But if you test your emails before you send them, you can get pretty close to making one.

    You can test two different versions of your email with A/B testing by sending each one to a small portion of your audience. By looking at the results, you can determine which version did better and send that to the rest of your email list. You can improve your campaigns by testing your emails, and you can also learn more about your audience by seeing what they like and don't like and how they interact with your emails. In the long run, this will help you improve your business.

    It's not hard to launch an email marketing campaign. All the way from coming up with ideas for engaging content to analyzing your campaign's performance, BrandLoom will be there to help you along the road. For further information, please get in touch with us today.

  7. What is split testing in Email Marketing?

    Only email A/B testing or split testing can scientifically establish which email marketing works best. The fastest approach is to find out what your audience precisely likes (and optimize your email campaigns accordingly).

    Email A/B testing, sometimes called email split testing, sends two copies of your email to two sample groups of your email list. Your subscribers will receive the email with the most opens and clicks (the “winning version”). Most marketers need to learn how to test split emails. If so, continue. It's simple and will improve your campaigns.

    Wise marketers use split testing to know the following:

    Which is the best subject line?
    If their audience prefers emojis or not 
    Which button text gets the most clicks
    What email imagery boosts conversions?
    What preheader text gets the most opens?

    Accordingly, they tweak their approach and get a better understanding of what their audiences expect over time. 

    Thinking of trying out some email split testing? Improve your campaign performance with the assistance of BrandLoom. Our staff is here to assist you in optimizing your email marketing campaigns. Get in touch with us right now if you're interested.

  8. What is viral email marketing?

    Viral email marketing is a strategic decision to make emails that makes people share them right away with many others. The strategy is like word-of-mouth gossip, in which a message is passed quickly from one person to many others. It depends on people forwarding, posting, and referring to the email so that it reaches as many people as possible.

    Viral email marketing campaigns help a business reach more people beyond its email list by getting subscribers to forward emails to people who aren't on their usual list of subscribers. Mail marketing is seen as a marketing channel with one of the highest returns on investment (ROIs) because it can be personalized and respond to users' wants, problems, and needs. Email marketers can quickly increase brand awareness and target audience by incorporating viral email campaigning into their overall strategy.
    Would some adrenaline improve your email marketing campaign? Make your campaigns so infectious that your subscribers can't help but spread the word to their friends and family with the help of BrandLoom.

Avinash Chandra
Author Avinash Chandra

Branding, Integrated & Digital Marketing Wizard and Founder of BrandLoom Consulting (A $1m startup). I help companies generate more revenue through digital marketing. I have successfully led Business and Marketing operations of several Large & Small; American, European, Chinese & Indian Brands and Startups. In totality, I have worked with over 100 Brands during my 21 years of professional career with a proven track record of Building Sustainable & Profitable Businesses.

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