Hey there ,

In Today’s Email:

🔺 Our Video Marketing Strategy : Youtube SEO In Just 7 Steps!
🦄 Neuro-Marketing : 5 Strategies to Forge an Unforgettable Brand Identity.
🗝️ Traffic Secrets : 10 Ways to Get Millions of People to Your Website.

YouTube SEO In Just 7 Steps

🔺VIDEO MARKETING : YouTube SEO In Just 7 Steps!

Approximately 3.7 Million or 3,700,000 new videos are uploaded to YouTube every day in 2023!

It’s undoubtedly hard to rank in this sea of video content even for the best.

Well at Brandloom our strategy is to use SEO to find empty & less populated areas to create content.

This is our adaptation of the famed blue ocean marketing strategy ! 🐳

Now combine this with other algorithm friendly strategies and you have a winner! Here are the results of what we did recently for a client video –

Views For Your Every YouTube Video

Notice the steep rise in search traffic after Youtube SEO!
Interesting, huh? Well, because & only because you are a part of our BrandLoom community, 🙌 here is the exact step–by–step summary of how we rank our videos –

1. Keyword Research:
When it comes to YouTube SEO, I’ve learned that thorough keyword research is the foundation of success. Take the time to dive into popular search terms related to your content. 🔍

Utilize freely available tools like Google Keyword Planner and YouTube Autocomplete to uncover viewer intent & keywords. Understand the viewer’s interest and incorporate related keywords strategically in your titles, descriptions, tags, and of course the content itself. 🖋️

Mistake to Avoid:
Avoid guessing or assuming what keywords are popular based on trending videos. What has worked for an established brand or creator may not work the same way for a newbie.

2. Write Engaging Titles:
You need compelling titles to grab your viewers attention. We create titles that accurately reflect the video content while creating curiosity. It is one of our winning formulas. 🧮

Mistake to Avoid:
Do NOT summarize your video content in the title. Instead, think about what would make YOU click on a video.

Your title is your first opportunity to grab eyeballs, so make it compelling and engaging.

3. SEO Your Description:
We take the time to create detailed descriptions that provide valuable & searchable information about your video. We incorporate relevant keywords naturally to improve the search visibility without keyword stuffing. 🧸

We also include timestamps, links, CTAs, and other relevant details to improve your engagement.

Mistake to Avoid:
Writing short, incomplete descriptions or leaving them blank means you are missing out on the opportunity to improve your video’s search ranking.

4. Compelling Thumbnails:
After your title & description are done, your thumbnails are the 2nd biggest reason why people will click on your video. Take the time to create visually appealing images that accurately represent your video’s content. 👩‍🎤

Remember your thumbnail needs to stand out in search results and entice viewers to click.

Mistake to Avoid:
Make sure thumbnail text is readable even on mobile devices. Majority of your viewers will use mobile devices.

5. Video Tags:
This is a secret that can transform any YouTube channel: strategic video tags.

Take the time to choose relevant and specific tags that accurately describe your video. Aim for a mix of broad and specific tags to maximize visibility. 👁️

Analyze competitor videos and explore YouTube’s auto-suggest feature to discover popular tags related to your content.

Mistake to Avoid: 
The biggest mistake people make is using irrelevant or excessive tags that do more harm than good. Focus only on using tags that are directly related to your content to improve search relevance and visibility.

6. Closed Captions (CC):
Closed captions matter. Take the time to upload accurate and well-synced subtitles for your videos. If possible, share it in multiple languages too. 🇮🇳

Say if you make content in hindi, you may consider adding english subtitles to it. You may end up adding a new audience to your videos.

Not only does captioning enhance accessibility for viewers with hearing impairments, but it also helps search engines understand your content better.

Mistake to Avoid:
If you neglect closed captions you will miss out on reaching a wider audience. Also avoid incomplete or poorly synced captions. Provide accurate closed captions and enhance the accessibility and searchability of your videos.

7. Video Engagement:
Prioritize viewer engagement. Encourage your audience to actively participate in your video journey. Ask questions, seek feedback, and suggest actions to generate likes, comments, and shares. ♥️

Engaged viewers signal to the YouTube algorithm that your content is valuable and worth promoting!

Mistake to Avoid:
Actively seek engagement by asking questions, inviting feedback, and encouraging viewers to take action. Use the community tab to generate interest for your upcoming videos

Having a tough time ranking your Youtube videos? Don’t struggle in the dark alone. Take help!

🦄 NEURO-MARKETING : 5 Strategies to Forge an Unforgettable Brand Identity.

In today’s world, 90% of decision-making occurs in the unconscious mind. Moreover, it takes people just 50 milliseconds to form an impression of a brand 👋

At Brandloom, we have observed that web and business analytics have FAILED to capture these psychological phenomena. As a result, we have noticed several of the emerging brands lagging behind their competition.

Meanwhile, some of the top companies, such as Microsoft, Google, Hyundai, Coca-Cola, and many more, have adopted the Neuromarketing approach to build a stronger brand identity. 💖

This has helped them to stay ahead of their competition.

So what’s DIFFERENT about neuromarketing?

Neuromarketing is the application of neuroscience principles and techniques to understand and influence consumer behavior and decision-making in the field of marketing. 🧠

Here are a few easy ways you can use neuromarketing principles to captivate your audiences:

1. Strategically use of color for branding:
Colors can elicit feelings and influence purchasing decisions. For instance, red can evoke a sense of urgency, whereas blue can make your brand or product seem more trustworthy.

Consider how the hues you use in your identity align with the brand’s values and objectives.🎨

2. Create a memorable brand story: 
The human brain is designed to remember narrative, not data. Create a memorable brand narrative that resonates with your target audience through the use of storytelling.

The “One for One” campaign of TOMS Shoes, for instance, tells a compelling narrative about how purchasing a pair of shoes can assist someone in need.📖

3. Take advantage of social proof:
People are more likely to trust and emulate the actions of others when social proof is used. Utilize social substantiation, such as customer reviews and testimonials, to increase the audience’s trust and credibility.

Airbnb, for instance, utilizes customer evaluations to highlight the positive experiences of its visitors.🤝

4. Utilize the scarcity principle: 
The fear of being left out can be an effective motivator. Utilize scarcity, such as limited-time offers or restricted inventory, to generate a sense of urgency and motivate people to act.

For instance, Amazon’s “Lightning Deals” provide limited-time discounts on various products.⏰

5. Use sensory branding:
The brain processes sensory information more quickly than other forms of information. Utilize sensory branding elements such as sound, scent, and contact to produce a memorable and immersive brand experience.

For example, Starbucks employs the sound of its espresso machines and the aroma of coffee to provide customers with a sensory experience.🌟

Creating a brand can be quite a daunting task. Don’t worry! 
Leave it to us.

Fun Fact About Us

82% of BrandLoom clients see an uptick of at least 20% in their revenue after the implementation of BrandLoom’s strategies.

🔑 Traffic Secrets :  10 Ways to Get Millions of People to Your Website

Today, let’s talk about traffic. How can we get millions of visitors every month or even everyday.

Well, the first thing to keep in mind is that –

It’s about optimizing your WHOLE site –  all 200 or 500 pages you have, and not just your homepage, for the search engines. 🌎

Of course, we need to optimize for humans (visitors) too, but that’s another story.

So for now let’s just focus on the search engines. But, before you begin, you need to know the following:

1. What is your website about?
2. What’s it’s purpose of having the website?
3. How committed are you?

Once you’ve answered those three things, then it’s time to get to work. So take the time to write those down.

Now, to optimize your whole site for search engines, you’ll need to follow these basic tips:

1. Make The Website About One Thing.

It can be about other things, too, but choose one central topic that is most essential to your message. 🗣️

Do a little keyword research before choosing a topic and determine primary and related keywords are highly relevant to you and often searched by people. 🔍

2. Mention Keywords Where They Matter.

Now include your primary topic keywords in the site title, domain name, description, tagline, blog categories, page titles, & page content.

This tells the search engine what you are all about. 🔊

3. Link To Internal Pages On Your Site.

No website gets traffic on all pages of their website. Most well maintained websites will get search traffic only on 20-30% pages.

Internal linking is the best way to bring other relevant pages to your visitors attention! These pages may not get traffic from the search engines directly, but they can get referred to your viewers by pages that do. 🖇️🖇️

Wikipedia is an example of internal linking and cross-linking done right.

4. Include Keywords In Permalinks.

Some sites have “ugly” permalink structures that use numbers to identify pages.

Don’t do this. ❌

Use a URL structure that includes text, and make sure you include keywords in your URLs.

So instead of having a page’s URL like this:


It should look more like this:


5. Speed Boosts Website Rankings

You will need a blazing fast website to rank. 🚀

I know everyone loves carousels. But page load times are so important that I suggest getting rid of all non-essentials that bog down your website. These may include carousels, music players, videos, large images, heavy gifs etc among other things.

Also optimizing website js,css, images and videos and using a CDN will help.

6. Use Keywords In Your Images.

Include keywords in all image titles, descriptions, and alt attributes.

Also, re-title the file name if it doesn’t reflect your main keywords (e.g. hair-fall-tips.jpg instead of psd97888.jpg). 🤔

7. Build Authority With External Linking

Link to other websites with relevant content. Choose the ones with a high domain authority.

You can do this by including a blogroll, link list, or resources page on your website. You can also link out on every individual page.

This is important because this tells search engines you are a trusted authority on your particular topic by linking to other already established authority sites. 🏆

8. Update Your Website Frequently.

Websites with dynamic content have a distinct advantage when it comes to search engine rankings compared to those with static content. This is why blogs and directories, like Wikipedia, perform exceptionally well in search results.

The key factor contributing to their success lies in their continuous updates with fresh content. 🍒

Regularly updating your website’s content with fresh information not only attracts more visitors but also helps push your site to the first page of Google.

9. Index Your Website On Search Engines.

A lot of search engines will automatically find and index good content, but it’s not always immediate.

You want to be sure all the major search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo crawl your site, so that people can find you online. 🪲

You can manually request site indexation by creating a google search console account, adding your website property & verifying ownership.

10. Have Other Websites Link To You.

This is really, really important and it’s called backlinking. The problem is that it’s not something you can control. Other than creating excellent content, the only thing you can do is ask. 🔗

Guest posting on other websites is another way to build backlinks to your own.

If you want millions of people visiting your website, it’s crucial that you keep up with the most recent developments in the SEO industry. 📚

Finally, working with professional search engine optimization (SEO) consultants may boost your website’s traffic to the next level.  Let’s Talk!🤝


That’s it for today, thanks for reading.
Yours Sincerely,

Avinash founder of Brandloom

Avinash Chandra
☎︎ +91-7669647020
✉️ care@brandloom.com

NoteIf you want to discuss strategy, just hit reply on this mail. 

Avinash Chandra
Author Avinash Chandra

Branding, Integrated & Digital Marketing Wizard and Founder of BrandLoom Consulting (A $1m startup). I help companies generate more revenue through digital marketing. I have successfully led Business and Marketing operations of several Large & Small; American, European, Chinese & Indian Brands and Startups. In totality, I have worked with over 100 Brands during my 21 years of professional career with a proven track record of Building Sustainable & Profitable Businesses.

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