Hey there ,

In Today’s Email:

πŸ€– AI Generated Content: NOT As Reliable As You Think!
πŸ”₯ Hottest Social Media Trends for 2023: Positivity, Motivation, Edutainment!
πŸ§₯ Why People Buy More Sweaters Than They Need: Buyer Psychology.
πŸ› οΈ 5 Tools for Marketing Noobs: So Good They Should be ILLEGAL!

AI Content Generator for your Website

πŸ€– AI Generated Content: NOT As Reliable As You Think! 

After evaluating multiple AI tools for 60 days here is our verdict –

AI tools are not the magic bullet they are touted to be.
While they may help with research & content ideation, they are only as good as the user who wields them.πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»

Polishing your articles and making them plagiarism-free will take up time & expertise, no matter how fast AI tools are at churning out stuff.

A major concern is that the AI tools may be generating the same answers to people asking similar questions. We had 6 different members of our team ask the same question to an AI tool and received very similar results for all six!

With the widespread adoption of open source AI this will result in plagiarism if the content is used as-is!

Not only can the content look and feel less creative, you can also land into legal trouble. Just look at Getty Images suing Stability AI for copyright infringement for using their photographs without licence.

So here’s our two cents on it: AI tools are fine to give you a helping hand πŸ–, but they are no miracle-workers. You will continue to need human expertise to sort the good from the bad.

βž” Let’s Team Up to create high performance content that ranks & converts‡︎ https://www.brandloom.com/content-writing-services

πŸ”₯Hottest Social Media Trends for 2023: Positivity, Motivation, Edutainment!

2022 saw social media take a turn towards a certain attitude, and it’s expected to continue into the current year.

After observing the popular platforms the whole year, we can say that they are embodying the zeitgeist* nicely! πŸ˜€

So, here’s what we noticed:

1. A turn towards joy: 
Across ages, social media seems to be the place people are turning to get some positive reinforcement. πŸ’›
Rather than fights, social media platforms are turning into the place where people are coming to discover things that make them happy and their lives better-  be it cat memes, 🐱Or wholesome interactions with grandmas Or clever #lifehacks!

2. Actionable entertainment: 
More entertaining the content,the better engagement you can get.
Brands that can leverage β€œhappy” trends and post entertaining & educational content keep winning.😍

3. Hyper-Niche communities: 
Communities that are highly focused on niche ideologies, lifestyles and interests are extremely popular.

People are finding & building their tribe. πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘§
And while interacting with each other, these interests often grow and lead to other niche communities.

βž” Stop being Invisible on Social Media, let us make it happen for you!‡︎  https://www.brandloom.com/social-media-marketing-services

* Zeitgeist is a German word that literally means “the spirit of the times”!

Fun Fact About Us

82% of BrandLoom clients see an uptick of at least 20% in their revenue after the implementation of BrandLoom’s strategies.

πŸ§₯Why People Buy More Sweaters Than They Need:  Buyer Psychology.

It’s FREEZING πŸ₯Ά out there, and a lot of us are stocking up on woollens.

Has it ever occurred to you that you might not need all 3 of those thick pullovers πŸ§₯?

See- that’s the weather clouding your judgement. Sly marketers use the weather β›ˆοΈ to get you to buy things that you probably don’t need. They do this by putting PROJECTION Bias to work.

Projection bias is a customer overestimating his future needs based on his current situation. So in the middle of January, people keep buying sweaters because IT IS SO COLD, β˜ƒοΈ but just a month down the line, they look at that pile and wonder, β€œWhy did I buy all this?”

You can use it to your advantage.

Have seasonal discounts, and advertise your products in a seasonally appropriate way. You will get more sales, for eg, if your copy plays up the coldness angle when describing a sweater, or using the picture of a bright umbrella β˜‚οΈ  during monsoons to remind people of sunshine.

So start looking at weather forecasts  and have your campaigns ready.

βž” Or, talk to experts on advertising who will do both for you β€΅οΈŽ https://www.brandloom.com/digital-marketing-services#search-engine-marketing

πŸ› οΈ5 Tools for Marketing Noobs:  So Good They Should be ILLEGAL!

If you are wading into the hectic world of marketing- here are some cool tools βœ…  that will get you started- and make your life easier.

Yes, apart from Canva.

Thank us, later! 😎

  1. Figma: Create logos and mockups in a heartbeat ⏱.
  2. Carrd: For your starter one-page website. Ridiculously easy ✌ and affordable, it gives you a good number of templates to choose from, and gets the job done in a flash.
  3. Medusa: A must for rookie ecommerce πŸ›’  players. The fastest, easiest and least expensive way to build a website. Think Shopify, but open source.
  4. Mixkit: Create cool videos πŸŽ₯  using free templates, music, stock footage, animation and effects.
  5. Edit: Free online picture-editing πŸ–Ό  software. No pop-ups. No sign-ups.


βž” But If you need an Exclusive Website with landing pages that are Guaranteed to Convert! Just give us a ring! β€΅οΈŽ https://www.brandloom.com/web-development-services

Have a Happy Republic Day

That’s it for today, thanks for reading.
Yours Sincerely,

Avinash founder of Brandloom

Avinash Chandra
☎︎ +91-7669647020
βœ‰οΈ care@brandloom.com

NoteIf you want to discuss strategy, just hit reply on this mail. 

Avinash Chandra
Author Avinash Chandra

Branding, Integrated & Digital Marketing Wizard and Founder of BrandLoom Consulting (A $1m startup). I help companies generate more revenue through digital marketing. I have successfully led Business and Marketing operations of several Large & Small; American, European, Chinese & Indian Brands and Startups. In totality, I have worked with over 100 Brands during my 21 years of professional career with a proven track record of Building Sustainable & Profitable Businesses.

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