Nowadays, most of the top brands in the business world depend heavily on their online presence to retain old customers and attract new ones. According to a report, around 76% of consumers look for the company or brand’s online presence before deciding to purchase or take their services. That’s why it is important to learn how can businesses benefit from using analytics on their website.

For a brand to have a competitive edge over its competition, they need to stand out; business analytics is the key to achieving this goal. In simple terms, business analytics systematically explores the organization or brand’s performance and data. Moreover, this information and data can be easily collected using certain practices, skills and technologies.

The main purpose of business analysis is to collect and extract useful insights that can later be converted into data-driven decisions and solutions to improve the business. As a leading marketing firm in India, we at Brandloom provide the best marketing plans and strategies to improve your online presence. We also focus on improving your website’s customer engagement and overall experience.

In this blog, we will cover everything you need to know about how can businesses benefit from using analytics on their website. We have also added a dedicated FAQ section to cover all your doubts about this topic.

What is Website Analytics?

At first glance, website analytics might look complex to grasp and learn. However, there is nothing to worry about since it becomes easy once you better understand it.

According to experts, website analytics is a simple process of collecting, organizing, analyzing and reporting data from a website. The information collected from the website analysis can be used by businesses to measure their website traffic, observe what is working (and not) and find opportunities to enhance and improve their website.

If you want to take full advantage of your business website analytics, you should understand the different data types that can be collected. For instance, the data can provide useful information about the website visitors (such as their age and geographic location), how long they stay on the page, the pages and content they like and which links they click the most.

As such, businesses and brands can use this data to understand better their customers to develop strategies that match their expectations. For example, if you observe many people leaving your site without purchasing your product, you might need to review the offers made on your website.

Similarly, if a particular product or page attracts many customers, you should create content that matches their needs and expectations.

What Data Can We Collect From Web Analytics?

When it comes to web analytics, a lot of different types of information and data can be collected. Here are some of the most important data you can keep track of:

  • Conversion rate: This data shows the percentage of people that takes the desired action on your business website. For instance, signing up for a newsletter or purchasing is a good indicator of conversion rates.
  • Pageviews: This data lets you view the number of times the website has been viewed daily.
  • Unique visitors: This data lets you identify the number of people visiting your website daily or monthly.
  • Bounce rate: The amount of time a person spends on a page before they visit another page.
  • Pages per visit: This shows the average number of pages a person views when they visit your website.
  • Time on site: The overall amount of time a person spends on the website.

How Can Businesses Benefit from Using Analytics On Their Website

In the modern business world, having more knowledge is vital if you want to stay ahead of the completion. That’s where business analytics shines the best since it can provide useful information about the website and its performance.

As one of India’s leading marketing consultancy firms, we would like to share some of the benefits your business can take advantage of by using website analysis.

1. Understand Your Website’s Traffic

One of the most important uses of website analytics is that it allows you to analyze and measure how users interact with your website. Moreover, the information collected can be used to understand your website and its user base.

For instance, web analytics can provide useful information, such as how many visitors your website receives monthly, where they are coming from and what pages they like the most. As such, the information collected through website analysis can help businesses understand which content is popular and how to improve the website further. Web analysis can also help businesses understand where to apply their marketing efforts to get the most return. This is an example of how can Businesses Benefit from using Analytics on their website.

2. Increase ROI And Conversions

By using analytical tools on the website, you can track the site’s performance and make changes that will help increase the ROI of your business. For instance, if you notice that a particular page on your website is not converting well, you should change the content or overall layout to make it more interactive and engaging.

Apart from that, you can use it to track how much traffic your website has so that you can create effective marketing strategies. For example, if you observe a certain campaign generating more traffic than others, you should focus on implementing that campaign to increase your site’s traffic.

In short, analytics can help you to fine-tune your business website and ensure that your marketing effort receives high ROI in the long run. This is an example of how can Businesses Benefit from using Analytics on their website.

3. Monitor Your Website’s Overall Performance

Another benefit of using website analytics on your website is that it allows you to observe and monitor the overall performance of the website. For instance, you can easily monitor the server response time, page load time and other factors that can affect the overall user experience.

Moreover, if you keep a close watch on these factors, you can ensure your website runs smoothly and hassle-free. It also allows you to rectify any problem to prevent the error from happening in the future. This is an example of how can Businesses Benefit from using Analytics on their website.

4. Improve Your Sales Funnel

When purchasing a product from your company, the customers must go through a process called a consumer purchase funnel or a sales funnel. You would be amazed to know that website and business analytics can help to enhance and improve your sales funnel to generate more revenue.

For instance, it allows you to track what your consumers normally do when they visit your website. This helps you understand the consumers better to prevent them from leaving the purchasing process.

You can also use business analysis to identify and track holes in the sale funnel to fix them before it causes any major damage to your business. The moment you improve your sales funnel, you will start witnessing a rapid conversion rate and revenue improvement. This is an example of how can Businesses Benefit from using Analytics on their website.

5. Stay Ahead Of Your Business Competition

Using analytics to obtain insights into customer behavior and preferences allows businesses to remain competitive. This can be accomplished by enhancing the consumer experience, optimizing website performance, and discovering new revenue streams.

By analyzing market and consumer data, businesses can identify emerging trends and new opportunities ahead of their rivals. This can assist them in adjusting their strategy and remaining ahead of the pace.

Analytics for businesses can provide insights that assist decision-makers in determining where to deploy resources and on which products or services to concentrate. Business analytics can help businesses remain ahead of the competition by enabling them to identify new opportunities, optimize operations, and improve the customer experience.

Businesses can use analytics to improve website performance and increase customer satisfaction by understanding how consumers interact with their websites and what can be improved. This is an example of how can Businesses Benefit from using Analytics on their website.

6. Identify Improvement Areas

Analytics can identify problematic areas of a website, such as pages with high bounce rates or sluggish load times. Using this data, companies can prioritize their website optimization efforts.

Identifying traffic sources, such as search engines, commonly used keywords, and referral sites, is essential. The information can help determine which marketing techniques are most successful and where to concentrate efforts to increase traffic.

If a significant number of visitors leave the website after viewing just a single page, it may be indicative of a problem. Analytics can help businesses identify and resolve these issues. This is an example of how can Businesses Benefit from using Analytics on their website.

7. Increase Profits

Revenue can be increased by analyzing customer behavior and optimizing website performance. This can be accomplished by increasing the website’s conversion rate, retaining more customers, and discovering new revenue streams.

BA can help determine what motivates and deters consumers from converting (making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, etc.). This data can assist companies in optimizing their websites to increase conversion rates. This is an example of how can Businesses Benefit from using Analytics on their website.

8. Acquire Valuable Insights Into Client Behavior

Various channels, such as offline stores, online shopping, and social media, offer businesses access to a vast array of consumer data. By utilizing data analytics techniques, these businesses can consolidate and analyze this data to develop comprehensive consumer profiles. This analysis can provide valuable insights into consumer behavior, enabling businesses to provide customers with more customized experiences.

Businesses can gain insight into how consumers engage with their websites through analytics. This data includes the most frequently visited pages, the time consumers stay on each page, and the actions they take. It aids in making educated decisions regarding website layout, content, and advertising and marketing tactics. This is an example of how can Businesses Benefit from using Analytics on their website.

9. Customize The Customer Experience

Businesses can gain insight into consumer preferences by analyzing customer behavior and tailoring the content of their websites to offer a more customized experience. This can result in increased consumer loyalty and satisfaction.

Tracking the route visitors take while navigating a website can provide insight into how they explore the site and which pages they are most interested in. This can help identify potential development areas, such as enhancing the user interface or reorganizing the content to make it more accessible. This is an example of how can Businesses Benefit from using Analytics on their website.

How Can Businesses Use Web Analytics To Improve Their Website?

When it comes to business analytics, there are several ways through which it can improve a website and help your business to grow further. Here are a few examples:

  • It allows you to track goal completions and conversions.
  • Helps businesses to identify technical problems on the website so that they can be fixed quickly
  • It helps to find out which online marketing campaign is performing well
  • You can use website analytics to understand the visitors and see how they interact with your website.
  • It helps you identify popular website pages and understand why they perform well.
  • You can use it to determine which website pages are underperforming and how to improve them.

Tips To Use While Doing Website Analysis

Now that you have understood the basic concepts of business analytics, you will need to apply them to improve your business. Here are a few tips that can help you to utilize website analytics effectively:

  • Keep track of your progress: It goes without saying that you should always keep track of your business progress and growth. That’s why you should use website analytics to see how your business is performing and identify areas that can be improved.
  • Use Data Collected To Make Decisions: By using website analytics, you can collect important data to help in decision-making. However, you shouldn’t just stare at the data and say it is good. Instead, we recommend you analyse the data carefully and make decisions that improve the performance of the website and your business growth.
  • Set Up Objectives And Goals: You need to decide what you want to achieve through your website. For instance, you must decide if you want increased sales, higher conversion rates, more leads or improved organic traffic.


In short, business analytics is an important tool that can help businesses improve their website’s overall performance and retain their customers in the long run. You can also use the information collected to understand the website traffic and make precise and accurate decisions to improve the site.

However, you must still be careful while relying on business analytics since data can often be misinterpreted. As a leading digital marketing agency, we highly recommend you extensively research the market and how consumers interact with your site before you make any decision.

If you haven’t started using website analytics for your business, it is high time to use it. That said, you can always contact us if you struggle to figure things out.

Frequently Asked Questions About Business Analytics

What Tools Does Business Use For Web Analytics?

When it comes to web analytics, businesses can take advantage of several tools and software and here are some of them:

1.1 Google Analytics:
Google Analytics is one of the most popular analytic tools available in the market, and it is completely free to use. You can use this tool to track your website’s overall performance and traffic while studying how visitors interact with your site.

1.2 Google Webmaster
Google webmaster tools provide a lot of useful information to business owners, such as backlink data, how the page is performing and insights about the pages.

1.3 Semrush
Semrush is a popular analytical tool for search engine marketing (SEM) and optimization (SEO). The tool allows businesses to perform keyword research, competitor analysis and PPC campaign analysis.

How Do You Interpret The Data Collected Through Website Analytics?

Data interpretation might initially seem troublesome and daunting, but it can be simplified. That said, here are a few things you should keep in mind while looking at website analytics:

2.1: Know Your Goals:
Setting goals while performing website analysis is a good practice for improving your website. For instance, you should determine what the website wants to achieve. You can also determine if it is making more sales or generating higher leads before making important marketing decisions.

2.2: Understand Your Audience:
The best way to interpret data is when you can understand the audience you are targeting through your website. We highly recommend you research and get to know your audience well. This will help to make strong marketing messages that will draw their attention.

2.3 Know What Your Competitors Are Doing:
You should always watch your competitors and know what they are doing. This makes it easier to design strategies and plans with the data you have collected from the analysis.

Which Three Types Of Business Analytics Exist?

Business choices are influenced by one of three types of analytics:

3.1 Detailed analytics
Using data aggregation and data mining, descriptive analytics studies current and historical data. These strategies use visual data representations such as lines, bars, and pie charts to identify trends and patterns. Despite the fact that they provide useful insights, they frequently serve as the foundation for additional research.

3.2 Forecasting analytics
Using probability, predictive analytics, a more complex data analysis technique, predicts what might occur in the future. Algorithms for machine learning use existing data to build hypotheses and attempt to fill gaps with the most accurate guesses.

3.3 Diagnostic analytics
They can evaluate the consequences of a decision on several alternatives and then recommend the best course of action to achieve an organization’s goals.

What are the two most common forms of web analytics?

When it comes to web analytics, the two most common forms are:

4.1 On-Site Web Analytics:
It gives information regarding how users engage with your website and the material they find most engaging. It permits you to assess the efficacy of your content strategy and marketing activities.

4.2 Off-Site Web Analytics:
The phrase “off-site” refers to the fact that the data does not originate from your site. Off-site data enables you to determine the size of your target audience and the performance of your website relative to that of your competitors.

What is the significance of business analytics?

Business analytics has many moving pieces, but it may be unclear why BA is relevant to your organization in the first place.

To begin, business analytics is the tool your firm requires to make sound decisions. These decisions will almost certainly impact your entire organization because they will help you improve profitability, expand market share, and deliver a higher return to potential shareholders.

There is no doubt that technology has an impact on many businesses. Still, when used correctly, BA has the potential to positively impact your company by providing a competitive advantage to a range of industries.

While some businesses are unclear about what to do with vast amounts of data, business analytics strives to integrate this data with actionable insights to improve the company’s decisions.
If you are still wondering how to improve your business through web analytics, you can always contact us at BrandLoom.

Anupama Singh
Co-Author Anupama Singh

Co-Founder @ Brandloom Consulting Besides business and health, learning, teaching, and cooking are my other interests in life. I have a bachelors in engineering and an unbeatable streak of optimism, come what may!

Gauri Dhore
Co-Author Gauri Dhore

Gauri has a bachelor’s degree in IT and is a Digital Marketer by profession. Her passion is to rank websites on the first page of search engines. She is a big-time bookworm, nature lover, and foodie. You will see her travelling and capturing memories most of the time.

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