Are you a self-professed tech geek who spends most of your waking hours delving into the depths of the internet? Then you must have experienced Different Types of Websites Popular Today.

In this article, we’ll look at different types of websites and their different objectives, starting with static web pages and progressing to dynamic, interactive sites. Therefore, get ready to unleash your inner nerd and expand your understanding of the ever-changing digital universe.

Why does your business need a website?

Regardless of the industry, a company’s internet presence can significantly affect its success.

Some companies today still need to be made aware that most of their clients will visit their website before completing a purchase.

Before moving on with the types of websites, we must understand why a business needs a website.

For producing more income, having a good online presence—especially a website—can make all the difference.

Sometimes businesses hesitate to get online because they lack the technical know-how and website management skills. Sometimes businesses are worried about cost.

Here are the main arguments that will hopefully persuade you that your company needs a website:

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1 Credibility

Increasing your company’s credibility is one of the key benefits of having a website for it. There are several providers out there with services comparable to yours.

A website that looks attractive and effectively conveys valuable information to your customers is one way to stand out.

With a website, customers could be convinced of your company’s validity.

A website lets you make a fantastic first impression and reassures potential customers that you are a legitimate company.

2 Organic Traffic

Having a website for your company could improve your chances of generating leads, which is one of the most appealing reasons to do so.

If you are online and have a website optimized for SEO, you may appear higher in the Google search engine results. This implies that your website will appear in the search results when people are looking for a certain good or service. You have the chance to grow your consumer base as a result significantly.

3 Time-Saving + Customer Service

Many businesses receive calls from prospects or existing customers with questions about their location and business hours. When you miss a call, the customer is left dissatisfied. Calls can also divert your employee’s attention away from their most vital responsibilities in your organization.

A website can reduce these calls while also increasing overall internal efficiency. At the same time, it allows users to find relevant information without having to call, resulting in a better overall user experience.

4 Announcements and updates

Because your website is available 24 hours a day, sending out updates and announcements to your customers is simple. It’s a way to inform them of everything you’re up to. When something is especially relevant to them, you can upsell them better.

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How many types of Websites are there?

Websites have become the digital hubs of online communities and the virtual storefronts of businesses as the internet has become the primary source of information and entertainment.

To answer what are websites and their types, we need to understand that there are many different website types, from e-commerce to social networking, each with functions and features.

What are the Types of Website

Here are different types of websites:

  • E-commerce websites
  • Business websites
  • Personal websites
  • Educational websites
  • News websites
  • Blogging websites
  • Social media websites
  • Entertainment websites
  • Portfolio websites
  • Non-profit websites
  • Government websites
  • Search engines
  • Forum websites
  • Wiki websites
  • Crowdfunding websites

Being aware of these types of websites might help us more effectively traverse the online environment when building our websites. Here are 12 types of websites that are the most popular.

12 Basic Types of Websites with Examples

Here is our comprehensive list of the types of websites with examples –

1 eCommerce Website: Most popular type of website

An eCommerce website is one where customers can purchase goods directly. You must have used a variety of e-commerce websites; both large and small firms alike have them. This includes any website with a shopping cart and a mechanism to input your credit card information to complete a transaction.

This is the kind of website you should create if you’re learning to launch one for your business and intend to sell products and your goods there. When creating an e-commerce website, you must take specific measures, such as investing in e-commerce software and obtaining an SSL certificate to guarantee your customer’s safety when paying.

Also, you should ensure that the website’s primary objective—generating sales—is considered in both the web design and the copy you use. E-commerce websites can serve as an addition to an existing firm or as the foundation for a new venture.

Some of the features and characteristics that an eCommerce website must have are –

  • Product Listings.
  • A photo gallery of top-notch photographs related to the business.
  • Capability for safe transactions during checkout (with SSL certificate)
  • Personalized account settings (wishlists, saved orders, profile pages, etc.).
  • Useful filters, search features, and user-friendly web navigation
  • A fully functional checkout system
  • Integration of email marketing and call-to-action buttons for your eCommerce online store
  • Web design that is appealing and user-friendly and encourages users to buy something on the platform

There are several types of ecommerce websites that are popular today.

  • B2B (Business-to-Business): These ecommerce websites are designed for businesses to sell products or services to other businesses. For example, a manufacturer sells raw materials to other businesses for production.
  • B2C (Business-to-Consumer): B2C ecommerce websites sell products or services directly to individual consumers. Examples include popular online retailers like Amazon and Walmart.
  • C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer): These ecommerce websites allow individual consumers to sell products or services to other consumers. Examples include platforms like eBay and Craigslist.
  • Marketplace platforms: These are ecommerce websites that serve as a platform for various businesses and individual sellers to sell their products to consumers. Examples include Amazon, Etsy, and Alibaba.

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2 Business Website

Any website design dedicated to promoting a particular firm is considered a business website. It should describe the kinds of goods and/or services the company offers and be branded similarly to the business (using the same logo and positioning).

Every company ought to have a website. Every prospective client you come across will automatically believe that if they Google your company in search of more information, they will definitely find a website. And if they fail to find it, it detracts from the company’s credibility and professionalism.

Business websites can include e-commerce sites and those that encourage users to contact them for more information or visit a physical location if they’re interested in becoming customers rather than making a direct purchase.

Some of the features and characteristics that a business website must have are –

  • To be able to respond to questions from customers regarding your company.
  • Provide a brief description of your company’s operations and main goals.
  • Add product descriptions, pricing information, and customer reviews.
  • Provide customers with a method to contact your business directly online by providing contact information.
  • Provide details on whatever your clients might be interested in learning.

3 Entertainment Website

You can name a few websites you visit only for entertainment if you think about your online surfing habits. These might be websites with humour like The Onion or webcomics like XKCD, or have fascinating or entertaining stuff like Buzzfeed.

Like commercial and e-commerce websites, most of these websites try to make money, but more frequently through the adverts that appear on the page than through the actual sale of goods or services.

There are many forms you can use if you wish to launch an entertainment website. You may create amusing blog entries, hilarious or educational films, comic books, or interesting quizzes.

Since there are so many entertainment websites, you should expect it to take some time and effort to establish a following that connects with you (and even more time and effort to start making money, if that’s your ultimate goal). However, if you have a content idea that people will find entertaining, an entertainment website is the best way to share that content with the world.

Some of the features and characteristics that an entertainment website must have are –

  • A website devoted to entertainment ought to provide a wide range of material, such as articles, reviews, videos, podcasts, and other media types.
  • Users should be able to interact with the material on the website by leaving comments, rating it, and sharing it on social media.
  • User experience and engagement can be enhanced through personalization elements like recommendations and user-specific content.
  • To create a compelling and immersive user experience, the website should handle a range of multimedia types, including audio, video, and photos.
  • Forums, social media groups, and chat groups are examples of community elements that can foster a sense of community around an entertainment website and its contents.

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4 Portfolio Website: Different Types of Websites Popular Today

Websites devoted to displaying examples of anyone’s previous work are called portfolio websites. Service providers can utilize a portfolio website to compile some of their best examples of prior work if they wish to demonstrate the calibre of their work to prospective clients. Compared to a business website, this type is easier to create and is more narrowly focused on gathering work samples.

This kind of website is most frequently used by freelancers and creative professionals who are paid based on their demonstrated expertise. It can be a more effective substitute for a business website with a similar focus.

Some of the features and characteristics that a portfolio website must have are –

  • The website should have a tidy, expert layout that presents the portfolio as effectively as possible.
  • A comprehensive description of the project and its goals, together with high-quality photographs or videos, should be included in the portfolio to show off the artist’s work.
  • Social proof and increased credibility can be achieved by including endorsements and reviews from prior customers or employers.
  • The website’s contact page should display an email address, phone number, and social media connections.
  • There should be an “About Me” page with background information on the artist, their qualifications, and accomplishments.

5 News/Media Website

Websites for media-compiled reporting or news items are generally news websites. There is some overlap with entertainment websites here. However, media websites are more likely to provide reported pieces alongside or in instead of content that is only intended to be entertaining. Sites like Inc., Slate, and the corporate website for the Washington Post fall under this category.

Media websites typically rely on subscription services, on-site adverts, or a combination to generate revenue.

Many media websites are extensions of media properties frequently found in other formats, such as TV channels, print publications, and newspapers. However, some are only available online.

Some of the features and characteristics that a News/Media website must have are –

  • The website needs simple and concise categories and divides news articles into local news, worldwide news, business, sports, entertainment, and more.
  • Users should receive breaking news alerts from the website via email, push notifications, or other forms of communication to keep them informed of the most recent developments.
  • The website must contain a search option to help readers quickly and easily access news items about particular subjects or events.
  • To give users a more interesting and immersive experience, the website should handle several multimedia types, including images, videos, and audio.
  • The website should have a comment system to promote interaction and allow people to voice their perspectives on news pieces.

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6 Brochure Website: Different Types of Websites Popular Today

A brochure website is a simplified version of a commercial website. A simple brochure site with just a few pages that lay out the basics of what you do and provide contact information may be enough for businesses that know they need an online presence but don’t want to invest much in it (perhaps you’re confident you’ll continue to get the majority of your business from other sources).

Brochure sites were more frequent in the early days of the internet when businesses recognized they required a website but did not expect to rely on it for success. Given that the internet is such an important part of how people study and find almost any product or service they require, most businesses see the need for something more competitive.

If you own a business and know that you don’t need your website to be a marketing tool that brings in new customers but rather something more akin to an online business card, a brochure website may suffice.

Some of the features and characteristics that a brochure website must have are –

  • The website should be simple to use, and users should be able to discover what they are searching for quickly and effortlessly. A simple and succinct menu system is essential for this.
  • The website should deliver compelling and informative material that is simple to read and understand. This can comprise text, photographs, videos, and other media.
  • A well-designed brochure website should combine the brand’s colours, logos, and other visual aspects that make it stand out.
  • It is critical to have your contact information on the website, such as an email address, phone number, or contact form.
  • With increasing number of people accessing the internet via mobile devices, the brochure website must be mobile responsive.

7 Nonprofit Website

Nonprofits, like corporations, require websites to serve as their internet presence. A nonprofit website is the most convenient way for many potential contributors to make donations. It is often the first place for many visitors to learn more about a nonprofit and decide whether or not to support it.

If you have or are thinking about founding a nonprofit, creating a website for your organization is an important step in proving your legitimacy and reaching out to additional people. You can use it for advertising your organization’s projects, inspiring followers to take action and accepting donations.

Note: To accept donations through your website, you must follow some of the same procedures as eCommerce site owners. Make sure you receive an SSL certificate to ensure that all payments are secure and that you set up a merchant account so that you can accept credit card payments.

Some of the features and characteristics that a nonprofit website must have are –

  • A content management system (CMS) enables a nonprofit organization to effortlessly update and maintain its website material without having considerable technical skills.
  • Accepting donations and processing transactions on nonprofit websites necessitates using a payment gateway and a secure payment processing system.
  • Nonprofit organizations must track and manage their donor connections, so integrating a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is critical.
  • The website must be well-secured. SSL encryption, secure payment processing, and regular website backups are all necessary security precautions. Furthermore, website security plugins like Wordfence, Sucuri, and iThemes Security can aid in the prevention of assaults and viruses.
  • Have a website that conveys the charity’s core principles and general aim.

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8 Educational Website: Different Types of Websites Popular Today

Websites for educational institutions and those that provide online courses fall under this category. These websites’ primary objective is to give visitors educational resources or information about educational institutions.

A few instructional websites may contain adverts, like media and entertainment websites. Some companies sell educational items or subscription services. And some act as a current institution’s web presence.

Some of the features and characteristics that an educational website must have are –

  • A good Learning Management System LMS that enables the development, administration, and distribution of online courses and other educational materials. It offers resources for developing and arranging course content, monitoring student development, and delivering quizzes and exams. Moodle, Canvas, and Blackboard are well-liked LMS platforms for e-learning websites.
  • A content management system (CMS) is crucial so educational websites can manage and update their material by adding new blogs, courses, or videos. WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla are three common CMS platforms for e-learning websites.
  • Post compellingly written, engaging stuff.
  • If you specialize in multiple subjects, group the courses into categories for easier access.
  • Adding a search function can also benefit people trying to get better at a certain talent.
  • Make it simple for students to find the courses they need by providing straightforward navigation.
  • To increase user engagement, provide a means of tracking progress.

9 Infopreneur Website

Business and eCommerce websites and infopreneur websites have some overlap. However, infopreneur websites are a distinct class of online business. Information-business owners produce and market informational goods. Courses, tutorials, films, or ebooks might be used.

Regardless of the format, infopreneurs require their website to handle the labour-intensive task of creating a knowledge brand and selling educational items by persuading visitors that they are knowledgeable enough to warrant purchasing them. They’ll need tools like an eCommerce website to securely sell information products, such as an SSL certificate and a merchant account. Those who sell many information products should also invest in eCommerce software to make it easier for visitors to choose and buy the ones they want.

Infopreneurs typically provide a mix of valuable free information and premium content for which they charge a fee. The infopreneur’s website acts as the central destination for free news, which is a marketing tool to get visitors to the site and paid products that account for their income. Having a strong website is so critical for this type of business plan.

Some of the features and characteristics that an infopreneur website must have are –

  • Payment gateway integration for safe online transactions.
  • Membership management systems manage and deliver material to subscribers who have paid for it.
  • To increase conversion rates, use landing pages and sales funnels.
  • Integration with marketing automation solutions for lead nurturing and campaign automation.
  • They should use blogging and a solid content marketing plan to drive visitors to their website.
  • Provide information on the given issue.
  • Enable users to subscribe.
  • They should position themselves as specialists.

10 Personal Website: Different Types of Websites Popular Today

Only some websites exist to make money in some way. A personal website is one of the most basic types of websites. Many people cherish the opportunity to express themselves through personal web pages. This category contains personal blogs, vlogs, and picture diaries that people share with the rest of the world.

These websites can evolve into something that produces money if they become successful enough and the individual who established them wants to make that change. Still, they primarily exist to share your feelings, insights, and art with any friends and strangers who are interested.

Some of the features and characteristics that a personal website must have are –

  • Design that is responsive for optimal viewing on many devices.
  • For enhanced interaction, integrate with social media networks.
  • For simple website maintenance, use content management systems (CMS).
  • SEO is used to increase visibility and traffic.
  • Integration with analytics tools to monitor website traffic and user behaviour.
  • A header that expresses the page’s content and tone.
  • A primary content section with post access
  • A content navigation sidebar
  • A footer with further information about the individual webpage

11 Web Portal: Different Types of Websites Popular Today

Web portals are frequent websites created for internal use within a company, organization, or institution. They gather information in many formats from various sources and consolidate it in one location to make all important information available to those who need to see it. They frequently include a login and tailored views for individual users to ensure that the information available is most relevant to their needs. Online portals will typically require more complex programming and design than most other websites on our list, so they are best suited for talented and experienced web programmers to examine.

Some of the features and characteristics that a web portal must have are –

  • User authentication and access control for tailored content distribution and safe data handling.
  • Customized user profiles and dashboards to access frequently used tools and services easily.
  • Powerful search functionality for easy and effective navigation of vast volumes of data.
  • Integrating with external APIs and services to improve website functioning and deliver additional benefits.
  • User feedback tools like ratings, reviews, and comments encourage user participation and community building through the website builder. .
  • Support for multi-device compatibility and responsive design to enable accessibility and an ideal viewing experience across various devices and screen sizes.

12 Wiki or Community Forum Website

The most well-known example of a wiki is Wikipedia. But wikis can be developed on almost any subject you can think of. A wiki is any website where multiple people can collaborate on content and make their edits and changes as they see fit. There are wikis for fan communities, commercial resources, and gathering vital information sources. Establishing a wiki can be pretty simple, especially if you use pre-existing software or a wiki site builder rather than creating the website from scratch. This solution makes the most sense if you need to organize accessible information and resources into a central location to which others will have access.

Wikis are the internet’s version of encyclopedias, and you can make a wiki website for practically any topic. The term “wiki” refers to many people creating this type of website. This makes it easy because you will not be a single contributor.

Some of the features and characteristics that a wiki must have are –

  • Capabilities for collaborative editing enable several users to contribute and edit content.
  • Version control and revision history are used to keep track of changes and ensure correctness and responsibility.
  • Markup languages and templates are used in structured data formats for consistency and uniformity.
  • Powerful search functionality for easy navigation and content discovery.
  • Connection with third-party sources and services to enrich, expand, and increase usability.
  • User feedback tools like ratings, likes, and comments are used to improve content quality and increase community interaction.

How to choose the right type of website for you?

When deciding on the best type of website for your company, keep the nature of your company and your goals for your online presence in mind.

For example, if you own an e-commerce store, you should choose a website that allows you to sell things online, such as Woocommerce or Shopify, effortlessly.

You need to figure out the types of users for the website and the types of website content that suit your business.

The next step would be to decide for yourself the right types of website platforms to choose and also the types of website templates.

A website showing your products or services, such as a portfolio website or a landing page, may be ideal for establishing your brand and attract new clients. Also, evaluate the level of technical skill on your team and the funding you have available for web creation and upkeep. Therefore, the key is to select a website that suits your specific requirements and assists you in reaching your business objectives.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the types of buttons on a website?

A button is an interactive element that provides the expected interactive feedback from the system in response to a specific command. A button is used for a particular control that allows users to communicate directly with a digital product and send the orders required to achieve a particular goal. These buttons can be incorporated into how many types of websites are there.

The CTA button: The call-to-action (CTA) button is an interactive element of a user interface that encourages the user to perform a specific action.

The text button: It’s a button with some text next to it. It means the copy isn’t embedded in any shape, filled tab, or similar element. So, in our common understanding of this phenomenon in the physical world, it does not resemble a button.

The dropdown button: A list of mutually exclusive items appears when you click the Dropdown button. This type is frequently found in the settings button. When a user selects an option from the list, it is usually marked as active, for example, by colour.

The hamburger button: It is the button that hides the menu. The menu expands when you click or tap it. This type of menu (and button) got its name from its shape, consisting of three horizontal lines that resemble a typical bread-meat-bread hamburger. It is now a widely used interactive element of web and mobile layouts, but debates over its benefits and drawbacks rage on.

Plus button: When the plus button is clicked or tapped, it allows the user to add new content to the system. Depending on the app, it could be a new post, contact, location, note, or list item — anything that is a fundamental action for the digital product.

Expendable button: When clicked or tapped, it brings up a menu of options. It is another way to establish the proper flow of interactions without overwhelming the screen, which is especially important for mobile interfaces with limited screen space.

The Ghost button: A ghost button is a transparent button that appears to be empty. That is why it is also known as “empty”, “hollow”, or “naked”. Its visual recognition as a button is typically provided by a shape surrounded by a thin line around the button copy.

What are the types of cookies on a website?

Since the advent of digital and programmatic advertising, cookies have played an important role in the ad tech industry. According to Epsilon, third-party cookies are used by approximately 80% of advertisers. If those cookies vanished, those businesses would have to look into alternative marketing and advertising methods to reach their target audiences.

First-Party Cookies: The website that the user visits set first-party cookies. The information gathered by first-party cookies calculates pageviews, sessions, and the number of users.

Cookies from Third Parties: Third-party cookies are set by domains that the user does not directly visit. This occurs when publishers include third-party elements (such as chatbots, social plugins, or advertisements) on their websites.

Session Cookies: Session cookies expire immediately or within a few seconds of the user leaving the web browser. These cookies are used by e-commerce websites, among other things, to remember the product the user placed in the cart, to keep users logged in, and to calculate each user session for analytical purposes.

Secure Cookies: Only HTTPS websites can set secure cookies, that is, cookies that contain encrypted data. Secure cookies are typically used on e-commerce website checkout or payment pages to facilitate safer transactions. Similarly, for security reasons, online banking websites must use secure cookies.

Persistent Cookies: As the name implies, persistent cookies remain on the user’s browser for an extended period. In general, persistent cookies must have an expiration date ranging from a second to ten years. The screenshot above is an example of persistent cookies with an expiration date.

What are the types of notifications on websites?

Push notifications are clickable pop-up messages on your users’ browsers regardless of their device or browser. They provide a quick communication channel for businesses to communicate news, offers, or other information to their customers.

Notification of Welcome
Notification of Category
Cart Abandonment Notification for Products
Notification of Purchase
Cross-selling Alert
Price Drop Notification Return to Stock Notification
Notifications for Lead Nurturing

What are the types of sliders for websites?

Here are eight common types of website sliders:

Sliders and carousels for images
Sliders for video
Sliders for testimonials
Sliders for content
Sliders for products
Sliders for thumbnail images
Sliders that take up the entire screen
Sliders that are animated

It should be noted that numerous variations and combinations of these slider types and others are not listed here. The type of slider used will be determined by the website’s specific needs and goals.

What are the different types of websites that are popular today?

Here are some common types of websites:
1 E-commerce websites
2 Business websites
3 Personal websites
4 Educational websites
5 News websites
6 Blogging websites
7 Social media websites
8 Entertainment websites
9 Portfolio websites
10 Non-profit websites
11 Government websites
12 Search engines
13 Forum websites
14 Wiki websites
15 Crowdfunding websites

Anupama Singh
Co-Author Anupama Singh

Co-Founder @ Brandloom Consulting Besides business and health, learning, teaching, and cooking are my other interests in life. I have a bachelors in engineering and an unbeatable streak of optimism, come what may!

Sakshi Garg
Co-Author Sakshi Garg

Being a web developer, I enjoy creating interactive and responsive web pages to provide a seamless experience to our customers. I like keeping myself up-to-date with the latest tools and technologies. I love traveling and hiking in my free time. Today's fast-paced tech industry presents new and interesting challenges every day which is the most amazing part of my job. Have a nice day 🙂!

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